Every day new superfoods emerge. I have my kitchen cupboards full of them. One of the latest is mulberry leaves. These are supposed to make you lose weight. Personally, I prefer the mulberries instead. So do silkworms, so I am in good company. Also recently exploited for weight-loss supplements are lychis (yuck). Then there are quinoa and chia seeds, the breakfast of Aztec and Inca champions. And cocoa. Then there are goji berries and coconut-anything. I can eat a whole meal of superfoods, if I want to. This is not even counting the normal anti-oxidant foods we already know about, like blueberries & raspberries. (Wait, they are supposed to be weight-loss food too, right? I see a trend!)
All this superizing of food means that finally the food industry is acknowledging the value of natural food as the missing link to providing the building blocks that our body really thrives on.
But the most missing link of ALL, the original superfood, was the Tree of Life. Yes, according to Old Testament history there is one food that carried the secret to longevity. It was located in the first Garden, Eden, and had the magical ability to make you live forever.
[Picture credit: Gustav Klimt]
We were banned from eating that tree, after Eve ate the Fateful Apple, so people like me wouldn't have to live forever in chronic pain. God then said man would eat the fruit of the ground, nuts, grains & vegetables, instead. However, just the fact that a live-forever substance existed is a good reminder that what comes out of the ground has the power to heal us & keep us alive for a very long time.
No natural fuel, no go.
So the next time you eat, think about your food & how it nourishes you. What nutrients in this particular food make your life better by eating it? Natural foods may no longer make you live forever, but they can sustain the life you do have a lot better than factory-created munchies.
Don't believe me? Just ask Popeye...
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