Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Yes, no, maybe it is all in my head...

There is something about an invisible, non-death-inducing illness that makes people want to believe you chose it. I am not sure what this is exactly.

For example, if I told you I had cancer, you would melt with sympathy. Yes?

So why is one of the new diseases considered made-up just because doctors haven't invented a cure for it yet? (But rather run and hide their heads in the sand.)

I have two hyptheses for this. One is that it's not fashionable. Until we have an ice-bucket challenge, frankly my dear, no one gives a damn.

The second is that it reminds other people of the only thing they can identify with: their own perspective. If they cannot wrap their mind around it, the problem is with your mind instead.

There is also a third option. That is, that they are somewhat right. At one time, the origin of a medical condition WAS in the mind. The mind and emotions broke down and then the body followed.

After all, there is the Biblical and medical view - keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life. And yes, now I have an issue with life.

My anger with people asking me if my condition is all in my head stems partly from the fact that it hurts to be misunderstood and distrusted. (Why yes, thank you, it feels great to know that you think I am so attention-seeking that I would fabricate a fake medical condition just so I could give up everything I love, like violin performance, downhill skiing, swimming, dancing - and yes, even  seeing my friends for longer than 2 hours at a time. That my selfishness is so great that. I choose  sickness over a vibrant, fulfilled life. That yes, I desired to be laying around in bed rather than having a sexy husband, big house, 2.5 kids, an smashingly-successful career, and a black lab named Fido.)

But another part is worried you are right. Is it me? Am I responsible for creating my own destiny?

Fortunately this is where the medical tests come in. And the genetic tests. And the family members that have the same condition, with greater or lesser symptoms. Fortunately all of these (still to be reviewed with Doc Youngberg) tell me - yes, there is a biological reason for that.

So is it all in my head? Maybe it started there. Maybe it will be fixed there.

But for right now, let's just say...Not so much.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Adrenal fatigue & what is left of you afterward

Wonder why you are tired? As in chronic-fatigued or FMS type of tired, where your body Just. Won't. Move? And it knows there really is a hole in the floor where you call fall all the way to China - you are that tired - but the floor just won't open?

You might have adrenal fatigue (AF).

And here is the scary and sad and blech part. Your doctor won't tell you this. Unless you have Addisons or Cushings disease, which are at either end of the energy spectrum - your doctor just won't recognize it. Period. And an expected 90% of people suffer from it, which means that everyone appears "normal" even if we are really dragging through our day, with nothing left to give. Anyone.

Wonder where I get these goodies of info from? Check out Dr. Wilson's book, Adrenal Fatigue, The 21st Century Stress Syndrome. 

It appears you can get severe AF from prolonged stress, or from just one significant event that depleted all your energy & shut down your adrenals. It's that simple. Scary, eh?

So what to do? First of all, take the test in the book. I scored 144 - where 132 is "severe" adrenal fatigue. Yes, that is annoyingly high.

Second, get some saliva tests done. You can order your own on Amazon, or I just reached out to a doctor/cousin of mine to see what he has to say. He is a specialist in the area, if you are interested - Dr. Wes Youngberg

I will let you know how things turn out. But I have started self-treating no matter what. 

The adrenal diet basically is blah. I mean no alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, sugar, white flour, etc. etc. No vices, essentially. But the good news is, you get down to your baseline energy, once you stop propping it up. And in an odd way, that feels really good.

The mid-day naps are great :). (If you have a job where you can support this.) And the eating every couple hours is helpful, but does require a little remembering to create "snack time."

But - I am feeling a little better at least, without the ups & downs of stimulants. And at least I know how fast I can move now on my own steam...China, here we come!

Healing your listening heart

The heart is not a pump, "what it does is listen," states Dr. Cowan in the Fourfold Path to Healing.

Ok, cool idea, you say. But so, what does it mean to me?

Potentially everything.

The heart is a listener. And a communicator. And if it gets broken - yes, as in heart-broken - it cannot communicate with the rest of your body. Then it can't protect against disease, or get you well. Period.

For this reason, Dr. Lloyd, the author of The Healing Code: Six Minutes to Heal the Source of Your Health, Success or Relationship Issue, quotes the Biblical warning:

"Guard your heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life."

So what do you do to enable your heart to communicate again?

For starters, check out The Healing Code book, and begin doing the codes.

You will likely see, as I have, that your whole body just LOVES being released from painful memories. And the places they are stored will immediately relax and free up. (And yes, we do store memories in our cells. Have you ever gone for a massage & cried on the table & remembered something traumatic or emotional when the therapists worked on a certain part? There you go...)

Then - just keep doing it the healing codes. Because remember, your heart has a lot of places to listen to also, being the sort of central command center that it is...

You can also just talk to your heart, as I do. If it listens to my body, I expect it listens to me. So I had a good mouth-to-heart conversation the other day, where I thanked my heart for keeping up with all I had been through, & let it know that now was the time to relax and heal.

Hopefully, it hears words also. Cuz I need my healthy heart back!