Monday, June 20, 2011

Don't Complain - Fight the Pain

One of the most difficult and interesting characteristics about chronic pain is the complete lack of motivation most of us have to fight it. Depression is a big factor, leading to an acceptance of the pain as "our lot" in life.

Maybe there are high levels of pain that you cannot fix, but still, I challenge you to GET UP OFF OF THAT COUCH & DO SOMETHING. In all my years of having Fibromyalgia (if that's what it is, b/c I think it's a BS diagnosis) I have personally found not one person that was willing to change their life enough, say, to try the Guaifenisen Protocol that I have been on for 7 years. People love to complain more than they love to help themselves. The result is, that I refuse to provide support for people second-hand. If others ask on their behalf I suggest they contact me directly. Nobody ever has.

My take on pain is to kick its a**. That's part of the never give up part. Sometimes you give IN, because that actually lowers the pain level, but never UP. You always do something.

I have a long list of things I do for pain management, some of which I elaborated on in the first post, and others which I will share later. My approach is to run through the list, starting from top to bottom until I find what works. Period. Something has to lower the pain. And usually something does. But it may be 4 things in combination.

Are you one of those individuals that is a couch-potatoe when it comes to pain? Do you let it defeat you? I encourage you not to. Even if you are incredibly pain-ridden and depressed, find a way to start treating your pain, right now, today, and every minute of the day.

YOU deserve a better life. Put it in motion.

In case you don't have somebody in your life to kick your a**, I'm here to do it for you. :) Make it happen people.

Feedback: Anyone want to commit to kicking the pain in the a**?

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