Monday, June 20, 2011

Pain With Joy!

Good morning.

This morning is the beginning of my new blog, "Pain With Joy."

It has been launched due to the request that I share some of my thoughts and strategies around my 20+ years of chronic pain, requests for information on the regimen that I use to handle that pain, and discussions with my friends and family about how we seek joy in the midst of pain.

First, I will tell you, Pain With Joy is as possible as Peanut Butter and Jelly. You can touch it, you can feel it, you can pass it on. Joy is contagious, and it DOES make pain better.

Stop back by as I share later on my many tips for pain management. Since I have had chronic pain since I was 18, you can imagine there are many of these available for you to consider. I also hope some of you will chime in and add your own strategies, so anyone who reads this blog can seek healing of body and mind.

A few things I want to start off sharing in this inaugural post. These premises will be the foundation of this blog.

1: Never, Never EVER give up. You can give IN, but not UP.
2: EVERY pain gets attention.
3: Don't just lie there, DO something!
4: YOU are worth taking care of.

(More about these later!)

If you like these comments, hate them or just need them either way, this blog is for you. Please pass it along to your friends & family that need Pain With Joy as well.

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